Massimo Introvigne: The Church of Almighty God Christians Displaced Overseas Deserve Refugee Status

On March 1, 2018, during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, the Coordination of the Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) organized a Side Event on the denial of religious freedom in China and the case of The Church of Almighty God. Prof. Massimo Introvigne, a well-known Italian scholar of new religious movements and managing director of CESNUR (Center for Studies on New Religions), made a presentation in the event.

UNHRC Side Event: Focusing on The Church of Almighty God & Situation of Religious Freedom in China

On March 1, 2018, during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, the Coordination of the Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) organized a Side Event on the denial of religious freedom in China and the case of The Church of Almighty God. The event was introduced and coordinated by Mr. Thierry Valle, the president of CAP LC. A panel of international scholars and human rights and freedom of religion experts discussed the dramatic situation of the members of The Church of Almighty God both in China, where they are severely persecuted, and in South Korea and Europe, where their requests for asylum are often denied. During the event, attendees also watched a video with testimonies of three members of The Church of Almighty God who suffered brutal persecution at the hands of the authorities of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Their stories aroused profound reflection generally.

Western Scholars vs CCP Representatives at the UN in Geneva About The Church of Almighty God

On March 1, 2018, during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, the Coordination of the Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) organized a Side Event on the denial of religious freedom in China and the case of The Church of Almighty God (CAG). A panel of international scholars and human rights and freedom of religion experts discussed the dramatic situation of the members of The Church of Almighty God both in China, where they are severely persecuted, and in South Korea and Europe, where their requests for asylum are often denied. During the event, there was a debate between the western scholars and CCP representatives of the Chinese delegation…

Oral statement at the 37th session of the Human Rights Council : Religious Freedom and persecution in China: The case of the Church of Almighty God

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Religious Freedom and persecution in China: The case of the Church of Almighty God The case we would like to submit to you concerns the members of a religious organization known as The Church of Almighty God (CAG). CAG is a Christian new religious movement founded in China in 1991. Credited by Chinese official sources with a membership of some four million, CAG has been banned and persecuted in China since at least 1995. Chinese authorities have declared repeatedly that destroying CAG is among their priorities and that it should be “completely eradicated as a tumor”. The respected NGO Freedom House reported that 80% of those persecuted in China for belonging to “heterodox religions” between 2014 and 2016 were members of CAG.

Appel au Président de la République des membres de la CAG en France

Monsieur le Président de la République française, Emmanuel Macron, Veuillez accepter nos salutations les plus respectueuses. Nous sommes un groupe de 442 personnes venues de Chine, membres de l’Eglise de Dieu Tout-Puissant. Parce que nous subissons la répression du gouvernement communiste chinois, nous avons été obligés de nous enfuir pour demander l’asile politique en France. Hélas, à l’heure actuelle, 335 d’entre nous ont vu leur demande rejetée, et 156 ont déjà reçu leur ordre de quitter le territoire français. Nous risquons à chaque instant d’être reconduits à la frontière et renvoyés en Chine. Nous sommes arrivés dans une impasse, et c’est avec le cœur lourd que nous nous tournons vers vous en écrivant ce courrier. Nous vous demandons instamment de tenir compte des grands dangers qui nous guettent, jusque dans notre propre survie.

Appel au Président de la République d’universitaires et ONG

Chine : La France livrera-t-elle des réfugiés à leurs bourreaux ? Appel à M. le Président de la République Emmanuel Macron Communiqué de presse Paris (9 mars 2018) Monsieur le Président, En France, 335 citoyennes et citoyens chinois, membres de l’Église de Dieu Tout-Puissant (Church of Almighty God/ CAG), un grand nouveau mouvement religieux en Chine, ont vu leurs demandes d’asile refusées. 156 d’entre eux ont reçu un ordre de départ et sont maintenant menacés d’être expulsés en Chine. Six demandes seulement ont été acceptées.

Droit d’asile refusé à des croyants chinois en France sur fond de répression religieuse en Chine

Human Rights Without Frontiers Int’l Avenue d’Auderghem 61/16, 1040 Brussels Phone/Fax: 32 2 3456145 Email: – Website: Droit d’asile refusé à des croyants chinois en France sur fond de répression religieuse en Chine Depuis un an et demi, notre organisation Human Rights Without Frontiers suit de près la situation de la Church of Almighty God (Eglise de Dieu Tout Puissant) en Chine mais également celle de ses membres qui ont fui à l’étranger pour échapper à la répression.